NBA Betting Predictions

Current Predictions: 04/10/22

Last Updated: 04/10/22 10:49:48 AM

Money Line Predictions - 04/10/2022
Predictions show the estimated score of each team using XG-Boost Tuned Model.
Home Pred-Pts ML Imp% Pred% Edge EV Pred-Spread Spread-Line Pred-Total Away Pred-Pts ML Imp% Pred% Edge EV Criteria-Play SL-Edge
2022-04-10 02:30 PM 114.89 (-4948.47) (96.13%) (58.36%) -37.77% -40.46 3.38 16.5 226.4 111.51 (576) (3.87%) (41.64%) 37.77% 181.47 N
2022-04-10 02:30 PM 115.96 (-1382.68) (90.83%) (64.07%) -26.76% -31.3 4.45 13.0 227.47 111.51 (576) (9.17%) (35.93%) 26.76% 142.91 N
2022-04-10 02:30 PM 111.49 (-334.79) (74.94%) (48.48%) -26.46% -37.04 -1.71 8.0 224.69 113.2 (263.26) (25.06%) (51.52%) 26.46% 87.15 Y
2022-04-10 08:30 PM 111.96 (-414.53) (78.36%) (53.24%) -25.12% -33.92 0.21 9.0 223.71 111.75 (309.64) (21.64%) (46.76%) 25.12% 91.55 Y
2022-04-10 08:30 PM 114.89 (-577.03) (82.86%) (59.5%) -23.36% -30.19 3.85 10.0 225.93 111.04 (390) (17.14%) (40.5%) 23.36% 98.45 N
2022-04-10 02:30 PM 111.51 (384.07) (17.42%) (39.44%) 22.01% 90.91 -3.38 -12.5 226.4 114.89 (-563.75) (82.58%) (60.56%) -22.01% -28.7 N
2022-04-10 08:30 PM 112.36 (-738.13) (85.63%) (71.54%) -14.09% -18.76 6.18 11.5 218.54 106.18 (453.93) (14.37%) (28.46%) 14.09% 57.63 N
2022-04-10 06:00 PM 113.27 (175.49) (34.49%) (55.5%) 21% 52.89 1.7 -5.5 224.85 111.57 (-204.35) (65.51%) (44.5%) -21% -33.72 Y
2022-04-10 07:30 PM 116.06 (-276.71) (71.54%) (64.07%) -7.48% -12.78 4.38 6.5 227.73 111.68 (226.14) (28.46%) (35.93%) 7.48% 17.19 N
2022-04-10 08:30 PM 108.23 (144.13) (39.44%) (39.44%) 0% -3.72 -3.98 -4.5 220.44 112.21 (-162.99) (60.56%) (60.56%) 0% -2.28 N
2022-04-10 06:00 PM 107.98 (165.54) (35.94%) (40.49%) 4.55% 7.52 -3.06 -5.0 219.02 111.04 (-190.96) (64.06%) (59.51%) -4.55% -9.33 N
2022-04-10 06:00 PM 104.43 (330.19) (20.35%) (20.35%) 0% -12.47 -8.58 -10.0 217.44 113.01 (-452.8) (79.65%) (79.65%) 0% -2.75 N
2022-04-10 06:00 PM 112.89 (-836.12) (86.86%) (71.54%) -15.32% -19.9 6.72 12.5 219.07 106.18 (486.34) (13.14%) (28.46%) 15.32% 66.85 N
2022-04-10 08:30 PM 116.16 (-2112.65) (93.18%) (64.52%) -28.66% -32.42 5.3 14.5 227.03 110.86 (576) (6.82%) (35.48%) 28.66% 139.83 N
2022-04-10 08:30 PM 108.23 (439.24) (14.96%) (24.17%) 9.21% 30.33 -7.64 -17.5 224.1 115.87 (-697.82) (85.04%) (75.83%) -9.21% -13.3 N
Prediction Time: 04/10/2022 10:49:04
Bets based on where the predicted probability is greater than the implied probability.
Spread Lines from Ceasar Sportsbook. Moneylines are calculated by taking spread line, deriving implied probabilitiy using an XGB model, converting odds, and juicing 10% each side.
Data: hoopR
Table: Joey Bloom @MS_Predictor

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